MINUTES OF MEETING BANNON LAKES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Bannon Lakes Community Development District was held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the World Golf Village Renaissance Hotel, 500 S. Legacy Trail, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Art Lancaster Chairman John Dodson Vice Chairman Michael Sheldon Supervisor Chris d’Aquin Supervisor Also present were: Jim Oliver District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel Jeff Johnson RMS FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Four members of the Board were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Mr. Oliver noted this was the public’s opportunity to make comments on items that were on this agenda. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the February 7, 2024 Meeting Mr. Oliver presented the meeting minutes from the regular February 7, 2024 Board of Supervisor’s meeting. Mr. Dodson sent some changes prior to the start of the meeting and those changes were incorporated to the current provided minutes. Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 2 On MOTION by Mr. Lancaster, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, the Minutes of the February 7, 2024 Board of Supervisor’s Meeting, were approved as amended. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Resignation from Supervisor Hill from Landowner Seat 2 Mr. Oliver noted that this would be the acceptance of the resignation from Chris Hill filling the Landowner Seat number 2. Chapter 190 of Florida statute allows the Board to fill that vacancy if it so chooses, otherwise it will be filled during the general election process in 2026 when the seat expires. On MOTION by Mr. Lancaster, seconded by Mr. d’Aquin, with all in favor, Acceptance of Resignation from Supervisor Hill from Landowner Seat 2, was approved. Mr. Lancaster stated that there is a candidate that works for Pulte and lives in Bannon Lakes, and he would like to nominate him to fill that vacancy. The Board had a discussion regarding vacancies and what those looks like in the future. After discussion and advice from District Counsel, Robert Korman was nominated to fill that seat. On MOTION by Mr. d’ Aquin, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, the Appointment of Robert Korman to fill Landowner Seat 2, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Capital Reserve Study Mr. Oliver noted that they are at the point in the Districts life as it transitions into a residentcontrolled Board that a capital reserve study is done to help the Board decide what they want to do in terms of budgeting for capital reserve contributions each Fiscal Year in order to build up a cash pool to handle all the repairs and replacements that come with the aging of the community. Mr. Oliver presented the different options to the Board. The Board expressed that they would rather the firm that handles the reserve study to be local rather than out of Tampa. After discussion, there was a motion to accept the Community Advisors, LLC proposal for Capital Reserve Study services. Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 3 On MOTION by Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. d’Aquin, with all in favor, Awarding Community Advisors, LLC to Preform a Capital Reserve Study, was approved. B. U.S. Mulching for Mulch at Amenity Center Playground Mr. Oliver noted that the three following proposal are just barely over $1,000 and are very routine. They were placed in the agenda package for transparency purposes more than anything else. The three proposals were approved as a slate. On MOTION by Mr. d’Aquin, seconded by Mr. Lancaster, with all in favor, U.S Mulching for Mulch at Amenity Center Playground, was approved C. Mulch at Amenity Center On MOTION by Mr. d’Aquin, seconded by Mr. Lancaster, with all in favor, U.S Mulching for Mulch at Amenity Center, was approved D. Landscare Group for Palm Pruning On MOTION by Mr. d’Aquin, seconded by Mr. Lancaster, with all in favor, Landscare Group for Palm Pruning, was approved E. Bio-Tech Consulting Mr. Lancaster stated this is the final wrap up proposal for the five-year monitoring which keeps the permit for the District in place. After lengthy discussion about costs and what was budgeted for and how the costs should be allocated there was a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. Dodson, seconded by Mr. d’ Aquin, with all in favor, the Bio-Tech Consulting, was approved. Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 4 SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Proposal from VallenCourt Construction Co, Inc. for Concrete Repair and Asphalt Overlay Mr. Oliver noted that the work was delayed until the 29th because of weather delays. This item will be allocated to the capital account and is tied into the maintenance bonds that the County holds. All of this work is being directed and inspected by St. Johns County’s public works department. After discussion of logistics there was a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. d’ Aquin, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, the Proposal from VallenCourt Construction Co, Inc. for Concrete Repair and Asphalt Overlay, was ratified. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-03, Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget & Setting a Public Hearing Date for Adoption (budget will be sent under separate cover) Mr. Oliver presented the resolution to the Board and noted that budget was sent under separate cover and suggested the public hearing date of August 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. He noted that there is actually a slight decrease in assessment for FY25 that total $1,001 and stated that the decrease is due to all lots being platted. He summarized the budget for the Board and highlighted a few areas informational purposes. A healthy discussion ensued where questions were asked and answered including questions answered directly to audience members until the Board was comfortable moving forward with a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. Lancaster, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-03, Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget & Setting a public Hearing Date for Adoption on August 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Requisitions (7-9) Mr. Oliver presented requisitions 7-9 to the Board and offered to answer any questions. After discussion and answered questions, there was a motion to ratify the list of requisitions. Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 5 On MOTION by Mr. Lancaster, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, Requisitions (7-9), were ratified. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being none, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney 1. Ethics Training 2. Filing of Form 1 Mr. Haber reminded the Board about finishing the now required ethics training by the end of the year. He provided two two-hour presentations that will allow the Board to complete their four-hours of training. He added that the Form 1 needs to be filed no later than July 1st can now be electronically filed. They should have received an email with a link and if they have not, they should let the District Manager know. The ethics training box that needs to be checked on the Form 1 will not be required until they fill out the Form 1 in 2025. After answering some Board questions, the next item followed. B. Engineer Mr. Oliver stated that there was nothing to share from the engineer today. C. District Manager 1. General Elections Mr. Oliver stated that Seats #1 and #3 will be filled by the general election process this year. To qualify you must be a registered voter living in Bannon Lakes and the qualifying period with the Supervisor of Elections is from June 10th at noon until June 14th at noon. 2. Report on the Number of Registered Voters (1,173) Mr. Oliver noted that they are required by Chapter 190 of Florida statute to put on the record the number of registered voters living in the District as of April 15th every year. The current number is 1,173 registered voters in the District. Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 6 D. General Manager – Report Ms. Lambert could not attend the meeting. Mr. Johnson highlighted that they are having a problem with scooters at the amenity center coming in at high speeds and there is concern that there will be an accident. He proposed that they ban the use of scooters at the amenity center. Mr. Oliver asked if there was a legal issue and Mr. Haber noted that they have the right to amend the policy as long as it is for legitimate safety purposes. Discussion followed where the Board and staff talked about the options of this idea. Staff can work with a Supervisor to come up with an appropriate policy change. On MOTION by Mr. d’ Aquin, seconded by Mr. Lancaster, with all in favor, Staff Working with Supervisor d’ Aquin to Amend the Policy for Scooters at the Amenity Center, was approved. A question was brought up about clubhouse rental fees. Mr. Oliver noted if there is going to be a change in rate, they will have to hold a hearing to do so and if they are going to do that, they should review all rates to bring a resolution to the Board to consider rates. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments • A female resident brought up an issue with the gaps along IGB with the shrubs and plants. There are areas that have been filled in and look good, but she believes there are a lot of areas with gaps. The noise is bad and the light with the cars are bothersome. Mr. Johnson actually had a proposal ready for presentation and the Board made a motion to approve the problem of gaps. On MOTION by Mr. Lancaster, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, The Filling of Shrub Gap Proposal, was approved. • A male resident asked about the progress from the request to install a charcoal or gas grill. Mr. Haber weighed in about risk factors for Board consideration. After lengthy discussion, the Board decided to look into surveying the community before moving forward. Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 7 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 Mr. Oliver presented the unaudited financials through March 31, 2024, There were no unusual variances on the income statement. B. Assessment Receipt Schedules Mr. Oliver stated the District is almost fully collected with the on-roll assessments. C. Approval of Check Register Mr. Oliver presented the check register for the General Fund to the Board. He offered to answer any questions. After brief discussion, Mr. Oliver asked for a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. d’ Aquin, seconded by Mr. Lancaster, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – August 7, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. at the World Golf Renaissance Hotel Mr. Oliver stated the next scheduled regular meeting date would be August 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the World Golf Renaissance Hotel, 500 S. Legacy Trail, St. Augustine, FL 32092. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Shade Session: Discussion of Agreement with Envera for Purchase, Installation and Monitoring of Security Camera Systems After the shade session, the Board decided to continue working on the Envera contract. Mr. d’ Aquin will work with staff to negotiate the terms of the contract and this will be brought back to a later meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Lancaster, seconded by Mr. d’ Aquin, with all in favor, the Authorization of Staff to Work with Supervisor d’ Aquin Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484 May 1, 2024 Bannon Lakes CDD 8 to Negotiate with Envera for the Purchase and Installation of a Security System, was approved. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. d’ Aquin, seconded by Mr. Dodson, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. _______________________________ _________________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairperson / Vice Chairperson Docusign Envelope ID: AC74E974-2236-400E-AF76-6B0F5E7A1484